Kinection Holistic Health x Dr. Amberleigh Carter

Change Your Mind. Change Your Body.


The Anti-Diet Episode

Amberleigh CarterComment

What is it that you TRULY want to eat? Is it what your doctor, your friend, your mother, your magazine, or your 'tests' told you is healthy?

WHY are you eating the way that you eat? Do you feel relaxed, joyful, and expanded around food? Or is it a constant obsession over calories, restriction, & instruction from others, making you feel shameful, powerless, & constricted in your body?

Your body is not against you. Check out the latest Raw Talk with Sheena podcast episode 51, where Sheena Mannina and I discuss how to start listening to your body: get to know it, learn to trust it, & honor your power.

YOU are your own best healer. Are you listening?

Eat More When You Eat Right

Amberleigh CarterComment

Eating less tells your body it's experiencing a famine, so it will store more fat for backup fuel. Eating the wrong types of food also promotes fat storage. So focus on frequently eating foods that are optimal for your health to get the most bang for your metabolic buck!

Eat more, Burn more

Amberleigh CarterComment

Health tip: "Low calorie" diets never work if your goal is to lose fat. When restricting food intake, the body fears a famine & will begin to hold onto fat instead of burn it.  So eating more nutrient-dense foods, frequently & consistently, will teach your body to burn fat constantly, instead of store it!

The Organic Difference

Amberleigh CarterComment

"Studies" show that there is no significant difference between organic and non-organic. If organic is a ripoff & a scam, then I'd rather take my chances on investing in healthy food with little-to-no harsh products sprayed on it, than on a product that you know is basically a storage facility for harmful chemicals. 

These types of chemicals can lead to allergies, joint aches, headaches, menstrual complications, infertility, inflammation, fat storage, asthma, eczema, a weakened immune system, gut issues, and a host of health problems.

Invest in organic, & you're investing in your health and quality of life.

Are you REALLY allergic to foods?

Amberleigh CarterComment

Think about it. How would the human race have survived up until this point in time, if we were truly allergic to the one thing that is designed to keep us alive?

Sometimes we can believe we are allergic to a certain food until we try the organic version and have no adverse reaction. The harsh chemical additives, sprays, & insecticides are what our bodies are allergic to, not the food itself. Organic food makes a huge difference.

NOT Your Grandma's Cookies

Amberleigh CarterComment

Some people may think, "How'd I get fat? How'd I get so many wrinkles? How'd I get cancer?" 

When your body cannot recognize a foreign agent entering the body, it taxes the immune system and causes stress, aging, breakdown, and fat storage: all of which lead to dysfunction and disease.

Health is not about "calories in, calories out".  Always check the INGREDIENTS label.  If you cannot understand what it is that you're eating, chances are good that your body does not either, and your health will pay the consequences.

Become a Healthy Bitch

Amberleigh CarterComment

The Healthy Bitches Course is about learning how to eat and move your way to health in the easiest and most affordable way possible.

Topics covered:
Lesson 1: What to Eat
Lesson 2: When to Eat
Lesson 3: How to Eat
Lesson 4: What Makes You Fat & WHY (including exercise, sleep, and lifestyle)
Lessons 5&6 (BONUS): The Tools You Need to Communicate with Your Body

Join the course to get all of the information you need to be a healthy bitch!

For more information, e-mail me at

Sign up here

The Answer: Real Food

Amberleigh CarterComment

How did human history survive before the genesis of 100 calorie packs, margarine, vegetable oil, weight watchers frozen dinners, 24-hour gyms, body wraps, kale chips, protein shakes, and pills? Humans survived off of the very things we are told to cut out: fat, sugar, salt, and carbs.

The key to health is not found in the industry.
The key to creating health is found within your daily routine. 
YOU are your own healer.

If the key to health was in these profitable products out there, then why are we the sickest and most confused we've ever been?

You don't have to spend hours in a gym exhausting yourself. You don't have to cut out fruit because it's "high in sugar". You don't have to count calories. You don't have to eat salad. You don't have to eat broccoli. You don't have to skip meals and starve or deprive yourself. You don't have to run a marathon. You don't have to run, period.

There are very SIMPLE nutrition and lifestyle changes that create the health that you want AND without having to exhaust yourself.

Find out the answers in my HEALTHY BITCHES COURSE.

Sign up here

Are You Eating Beaver Butt?

Amberleigh CarterComment

Is beaver butt really in your ice cream? If you want to know what's truly going into your food and how to protect yourself, I would recommend reading The Food Babe Way. It's a very digestible (pun intended) way of explaining what's actually going on in America's food industry today and how corporations are getting richer, while we're getting sicker.

Since toxins store in fat cells as a defense mechanism, the more preservatives, synthetic chemicals, and pesticides you ingest from processed foods and conventionally-grown produce, the more your body produces fat.

First step to health: KNOW WHAT'S IN YOUR FOOD.  After all, something tells me that no one would volunteer to put beaver butt in their ice cream....

Photo Credit: Heather Grimm


Lift Weight To Lose Weight

Amberleigh CarterComment

Women today have a fear of getting fat from eating and bulking up from lifting. We are taught that depriving ourselves of calories is healthy and that the only way to burn fat is by running a marathon. 

However, this unknowingly leads you to the very body you don't want!

Restricting calories makes your body eat its own muscle tissue when you do not have enough food in your stomach to fuel you through a workout and recovery. 

Since muscle tissue actually burns fat tissue, and you lose muscle tissue when you don't eat enough, increasing the stress from cardio exercise, while on little-to-no fuel (during a time when you should be eating more), is ironically making you gain more fat tissue.
Building muscle can only happen when you lift weights, eat nutrient-dense foods, and rest.

So stop depriving yourselves and running scared, ladies: lift those weights and eat....because science, not a fad, says so!

Photo credit: Heather Grimm

Labels That May Pop Your Eyes

Amberleigh CarterComment

Since I'm a native of Louisiana, I'll use POPEYES chicken as an example of what you are paying for and unknowingly choosing to put into your body.

I'm not sure why the ingredients need to contain every artificial food color under the sun, plus MSG, but there's no need to wonder why Americans suffer from heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc., when their food supply contains these synthetic ingredients.  Our bodies can't handle it! 

"Experts" say, "Take out the fat, cut out the sugar, avoid gluten...." How about take out toxic and fake ingredients from your diet to not overburden your liver and the rest of your body?  The liver is responsible for handling blood sugar, manufacturing hormones, and ridding the body of toxins, and if it's constantly trying to understand what it is you just ingested, your body cannot possibly function correctly.    

The sad truth is that food-like products containing anything but nutrients are killing us.  Lab-made chemicals are contributing to all of the food allergies and diseases we see today that never existed before the genesis of fake ingredients.  The food industry has sadly become more interested in a paycheck than in our health.

Want to protect yourself?  CHECK THE INGREDIENTS LABEL if you want a chance at regenerating your body, and stick to eating real, nutrient-dense and healing foods.

Why Weight?

Amberleigh CarterComment

Unless you're a body builder and intentionally trying to build muscle like it's your job, you're NOT going to bulk up or spontaneously grow chest hair. 

So how do you lose fat without bulking up? 

Tip #1: Lifting weights and building lean muscle mass plays an ESSENTIAL part in trying to lose fat mass. Muscle tissue is the ONLY metabolic tissue designed to burn fat. So, the best way to lose fat is to gain muscle.

Tip #2: Proper nutrition is a vital catalyst in losing fat. If you deprive yourself of nutrient-dense foods, your body eats its own muscle tissue to get the energy that it needs to survive. Thus, less muscle tissue equals more fat tissue. 

Tip #3: Muscle tissue is broken down in the gym and built during rest. Sleep and relaxation are needed to properly build muscle to lose fat. 

Overall, fat doesn't stand a chance against adequate exercise, nutrition, and rest.  So why wait?  Lift.  Eat.  Rest.  Repeat. 

Photo credit: Heather Grimm

PMS is not a birth control deficiency. Period.

Amberleigh CarterComment

I don’t usually partake in reading “health” magazines, since the information in there is typically laughable, but I came across the cover of one particular magazine that caught my eye with what was spelled out on the cover:

“BURN FAT ALL DAY: Surprising ways to boost your metabolism”. 

Needless to say, it spiked my interest as to what they could possibly say…nothing of which I am an advocate, I was assured in my head.  Feeling as if I was spying on my opponent, I opened up “Women’s Health”, their September 2014 issue.

I started aimlessly flipping from back to front and came across something much more intriguing than burning fat.  The article was entitled, “Hellish Period?  Not Anymore”, which displayed women’s “mysterious, wackier woes”, or their personal experiences surrounding their menstrual cycle:

“My knees ache like I’m developing arthritis.”-Reanna L.;

“I get a severe throat infection every month!”-Ainey J.;

“I always crave steak, even though I’ve been a vegetarian for two years.”-Monica R.;

“Hot flashes and heart palpitations.”-Pamela M.;

“I get really cold—for two weeks I just freeze.”-Marie L.;

“My toes cramp up every time.”-Heather B.;

“I get random bruises!”-Christine L.;

“I feel as if I could sleep for a week.”-Trisha L.;

“I have insatiable cravings. I want to eat everything in sight.”-Melissa B.;

and on goes the list. 

I’m sure if you are a female reading this, you may be able to relate. 

The thoughts running through my head?  It sounds like these women have symptoms of fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, and anemia, but what’s screaming out to me even more is the fact that these women are malnourished and hypo-metabolic (have a slow and/or damaged metabolism).

My next thought flashing in my head: So what is this pop-culture, health bible going to suggest? 

Here is one genius solution “Women’s Health” provides women everywhere:

          “CAN YOU OUTTHINK PMS? Imagine if some symptoms were all in your head.” 

Oh. No. They. DIDN’T.  I was enraged.  It was an instant reminder of why I do not read mainstream magazines.  Their suggestions were even worse than I had imagined.

They continued to explain: “Controversial new research has found that there’s little scientific evidence behind some PMS symptoms.  Rather, America’s ‘period hysteria’ culture could be to blame, making women anticipate a meltdown in the days before their flow begins.  ‘The idea that hormonal fluctuations lead to negative moods for all women is a socially constructed one,’ says Gillian Einstein, Ph.D., a neuroscientist at the University of Toronto.  In other words, a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

If I didn’t have PMS symptoms before, I did at this moment.  Not knowing how to cope with my murderous thoughts, I uncontrollably busted out with hysteric laughter, and then the depression set in….what has our society come to?  All of the women reading this nonsense are going to be told once again by our culture that we are crazy. 

Hormonal fluctuations leading to mood swings for women is merely a socially constructed idea?  How amazing would it be for it to simply be a figment of our imaginations?  That would be the easy way out, and PMS would be magically eradicated if women could just mentally accept the fact that what we think and how we feel isn’t real.  

I felt the shame of women all over the country reading this….and then I realized: I do not need a research study or an “expert” with the last name Einstein to tell me whether or not my body’s experiences are real according to scientific evidence.  What IS real, however, is that PMS is not solely an American thing known as, ‘period hysteria’.  It’s the female body’s natural reaction to being nutrient and mineral-deficient, and it can happen to women from all parts of the world.  

Needless to say, like an onlooker at the scene of an accident, I couldn’t look away.  I was captivated by the ignorance of the entire article.  The nonsense continued....

Problem: “The bloating is horrible; it’s like this massive pressure.”-Laura H.

“Women’s Health” Explanation: “Some 73 percent of women reported unpleasant gut symptoms before and during their periods.  Surprisingly, no one knows exactly what triggers this monthly spike in water retention, but it’s known that salt and alcohol can make it worse….”    

FACT: Someone who understands physiology knows what triggers this monthly spike in water retention.  Just because you may not understand it, does not mean that NO ONE understands this “phenomenon”. 

Here’s what the article SHOULD have said, from a PHYSIOLOGICAL standpoint:

Dear women,

The body can bloat when you are not fueling your body efficiently with quality food.  Since your body will find some way to compensate and get the energy it needs to survive if you are not feeding it properly, it can cause a bloating reaction, and here’s one reason why.  Typically, if your body does not have food coming in, it will ask your liver to release stored sugar (glycogen) in order to keep up with your energy demands throughout the day.  Your energy demands go up during this time of the month when your body is preparing to shed tissue. Therefore, you should be eating and resting more to cope with this stress.  If you're not eating and resting adequately, your body will react.

With a less than optimal amount of food intake, the liver is essentially asked to go into survival mode, so your body starts eating itself (causing muscle tissue loss and fat tissue gain).  This stresses the body, making it difficult to produce energy the proper way.  The most efficient way for the body to produce energy is if the body is fed well.  Carbon Dioxide (CO2, like what’s in carbonated drinks) is supposed to be produced, along with water, and ATP (energy).  If the body does not have fuel because of food deprivation, lactic acid is produced instead of carbon dioxide, and the oxygen from water molecules in the body are soaked up by your tissues to get the oxygen that it needs.  This is edema, commonly known as bloating and swelling.  If there is a lack of oxygen, your cells will swell with water in order to breathe.   

Boom.  Yes, hormones play a role in this, but for brevity purposes, we'll stick with the basics.

The article carried on:

Problem: “I have cramps that feel like I’m giving birth to the spawn of Satan.”-Millarie K.

“Women’s Health” Solution: “There’s a reason it feels like you’re in labor—your uterine muscles are contracting….Using a heating pad for 10 to 15 minutes can help dilute uterine blood vessels….If OTC anti-inflammatory painkillers aren’t helping and you’ve exhausted all natural options—including yoga and acupuncture—see an ob-gyn….The first line of treatment is typically the Pill or another hormonal contraceptive, which can reduce your overall amount of uterine tissue.”

FACT: A heating pad, Advil, yoga sessions, and some therapeutic needles are not what I would call anyone having “exhausted all natural options”.  Furthermore, the Pill or another hormonal contraceptive is setting your body up for catastrophe and is a less-than-stellar suggestion.  If you have painful menstrual cramps, it’s not because you have a birth control pill deficiency.  You have a compromised immune system and a mineral and nutrient deficiency from a lack of eating properly.  Skipping meals and eating processed 100 calorie packs, salads, veggie burgers, and slim fast does not equate to adequate nutrition.  Your body is in desperate need of magnesium to alleviate painful cramps, but it also needs other nutrients and minerals for magnesium to work its magic.

More “Women’s Health” Solutions:  “While you’re at it, stick with snacks that include some calcium; for unknown reasons, the mineral can reduce a handful of PMS symptoms.”-Toby Smithson, R.D.N., of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 

Ummmm, you’re a Registered Dietitian, a person who is supposed to be an expert in understanding the fundamentals of how food chemistry works inside the human body, and you have no idea how calcium can help alleviate symptoms of PMS??  The intelligence level of the "experts" we are supposed to trust today is quickly diminishing.  This concept is the equivalent of nutrition 101.

FACT: Calcium happens to be the most abundant and important mineral in the human body.  99% of the calcium in our bodies resides in our bones, and the rest is in other tissues and the blood.  The 1% that is found in the blood is critical for life. When a diet is low in calcium and/or magnesium, the body’s soft tissues and organs steal the calcium that it needs from the bones.  This leads to osteoporosis and the calcification (hardening) of organs and soft tissues, like arteries. 

The excess of calcium in the cell tissue causes swelling (bloating), alkalinity (lower immune system), and the cells convert glycogen (sugar) into lactic acid (slowing down the metabolism, causing you to feel tired and sluggish).  It also causes a loss in potassium and magnesium, two vital minerals in helping alleviate cramps and balancing hormones and electrolyte levels.  This can, furthermore, lead to headaches, acne, changes in appetite, hormonal and libido swings, and other PMS problems.  Also, in order to maximize the absorption of calcium and the body’s ability to use calcium efficiently, the following are needed:

            -Adequate Vitamin A, C, and D

            -Adequate magnesium

-Adequate protein and fat consumption [tip: listen to your food cravings, like steak (grass-fed and organic is preferable) and chocolate (organic and dark—Enjoy Life brand—is optimal)]

            -Adequate HCl (stomach acid)

So no, it’s not in your head.  It’s physiology.  Which also happens to be backed by research.

The truth? 

These vitamins and minerals that you’re lacking should be coming from your food. 

That’s right. 

Ladies:  You have to eat and eat well—dump the processed garbage and the hormone pills.  They aren’t helping. 

Periods are not supposed to be painful.  Actually, they are supposed to be pretty seamless.  You shouldn’t have to shudder at the thought of your cycle, feeling like it’s biblical karmic backlash for tempting Adam in the Garden of Eden. 

You are a goddess; it’s time to start eating like one. 

For more information on how to combat PMS, feel free to contact me.

The Truth Heals

Amberleigh CarterComment

We’ve all been there.  As soon as you think you’ve found the magical diet, detox, challenge, or cleanse that actually works for you, a new study comes out showing that what you’ve been doing has only contributed to your problem, and you should do the exact opposite because Harvard says so.  One study indicates that there are multiple health benefits from cutting the fat out of your diet.  Another study illustrates all of the harmful effects on the body when you cut out the fat, so you should really cut out the sugar because, ironically, Harvard says so.  

So what should you do?  Cut out the fat or cut out the sugar?  Is the answer in the Paleo diet, Mediterranean foods, Subway, gastric bypass surgery, pills, juicing 3 pounds of kale and eating 12 bananas a day?  Who should you trust?  Harvard?  Researchers?  Your doctor?  Your local yoga instructor?  A support group?  You could argue with yourself that research doesn’t lie, but then how can it show so many different and opposing outcomes?  

The truth:  Research does not lie, but people do.  And for enough money, research can show whatever it wants.  Is this a conspiracy?  Perhaps it is; but I’ll take my chances on not taking the advice from an industry that only makes money if I’m sick and confused.

One thing that you can trust, however, is your individual physiology.  Sure, you can follow the latest diet craze, but you can only trick your body for so long before it screams out to you that you need something else.  For instance, you may swear by the Paleo diet and truly see health benefits: losing weight, feeling more clear-headed and energized, lower cholesterol levels, and more.  But, after years into the diet, you start losing your hair, your cholesterol rises, your hormones are on a roller coaster, and your thyroid gland is almost non-functioning.  (This is purely an example that I’ve seen happen to individuals.)  That's not to say that all Paleo experts have bad intentions, but research outcomes can still be misleading.  

So now what do you do? 

I’m glad you asked.  For so long we’ve been depriving ourselves and cutting out vital nutrients and life-giving behaviors.  Why cut out calories (i.e., energy/fuel) and run off of stress hormones?  Does it make sense to try to drive your car across the country with no gas in it?  We’ve been misguided to look to others to take responsibility for a lifetime of unquestioned and unchallenged actions when it comes to health.  The good news is that you can take back control and responsibility for your life simply by questioning and paying attention.  

1)     Start listening to your gut. 

2)     Pay attention to how you feel after eating a meal or skipping a meal or macronutrient (i.e., protein, carb, or fat).  Do you feel bloated, tired, and/or have a headache or stomach ache?  Did that meal give you energy?

3)     Avoid anything processed and any product that contains more than 5 ingredients, especially those of which you cannot pronounce. 

4)     Eat real fruits and root vegetables.

5)     Eat quality meats, broths, seafood, gelatin, and other anti-inflammatory proteins.

6)     Eat saturated fats like coconut oil, butter, ghee, and tallow.

7)     Focus on quality: organic, free-range, grass-fed, local, cage-free, etc.

8)     Focus on quantity: relative ratios of protein, carbohydrate, and fat. 

9)     Drink quality water like Evian, FIJI, and other spring waters.

10)  Pay attention to your movement: Do you exercise?  Are you exercising too much?  How well do you recover from a workout?  Do you have pain and/or soreness in your body?

11)  Rest.

12)  Meditate.

13)  Take time to do things for yourself.

The above is not a comprehensive list by any means, but it’s a good starting point to help evaluate your lifestyle.  As always, you have to do what you feel is right for you.  You may not be happy about needing to incorporate new behaviors in your life, but I have found that the truth heals more than it hurts.

What is Holistic Health, and is Kinection Holistic Health for me?

Amberleigh Carter3 Comments

Contrary to all of the misconceptions surrounding holistic health, I don't prescribe ginkgo biloba and medicinal marijuana.  In fact, I don’t prescribe anything at all.  This is the beauty of holistic health.

I don’t ring a gong over your head while singing kumbaya either, although who couldn't benefit from that? 

Holistic health involves viewing the body as a whole, including mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Each of these affects one another, making up your entire experience and leading you up to this point of your current condition of health. 

If you have high blood sugar, for example, what stressors are being placed upon your body throughout a given day and over time?  Maybe you eat cakes and cookies and/or processed carbohydrates, but what is driving you to do so?  The root of the problem could be metabolic in nature, but maybe we should look deeper. 

What do your sleeping patterns look like?  Are you sleeping soundly between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.?  Are you consuming enough magnesium and potassium?  Do you know what food sources contain these nutrients?  Are you wondering what these nutrients even have to do with high blood sugar?  What about your eating patterns?  Do you skip breakfast?  How often do you feel the sunshine hit your body?  Are you happy?  Do you enjoy life and have fulfilling relationships with others and yourself?  How often do you speak or think negatively?  Do you have a constant babble or to-do list in your head?  Do you ever feel fully rested or relaxed? How much do you move your body?  Do you sit for most of the day?  How many breaths do you take within 60 seconds?  Is it more than 8?  Are you hyperventilating and don’t even know it?  Are these questions making you hyperventilate?

Sure, I can look at your pancreas, liver, and hormone levels, and they would tell me exactly what they are telling you: YOU NEED TO CHANGE.  These aspects are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to your health. 

If you’re looking for a quick fix, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the one for you.  I’ll also admit that some people probably refer to my business as, “Holy Sh*t Kinection”.  I'm not going to lie to you: It’s hard work.  But if you’re looking for an overall better quality of life, an entire lifestyle change is required. 

My job is to assist you in creating the health that you desire through real food, as well as behavior and lifestyle modifications.  I will teach you how to keep up with the demands you are placing upon your body, how to listen to your body, and how to respond accordingly.  This can help reverse the aging process, repair the metabolism, and regenerate your health and well-being.

I should give you some warnings: If you’re looking for someone to tell you that it’s okay to drink a bottle of wine or whiskey every night before bed, I’m not the one for you.  If you want someone to tell you that your current lifestyle and destructive behaviors are conducive to creating the health that you desire, and the answer is that you have a pharmaceutical drug deficiency, I’m not the one for you.  If you’re looking for someone to not see through your exterior into the depths of your interior, I’m not the one for you.  If you’re looking for someone to spend 5 minutes with you and not know your entire background and current lifestyle, I’m not the one for you.  If you’re looking for someone who will give you a pill, a cleanse, a detox, and a quick fix, I’m not the one for you.  If you’re looking for someone to do the work for you, I’m not the one for you.  I cannot help you more than you are willing to help yourself.

I can, however, promise you that this journey may be frustrating, but will be extremely rewarding.  If you’re up for the challenge, I am with you every step of the way and will be your biggest cheerleader.  So if you’re looking for someone who will invest in you as much as you’re willing to invest in yourself, I’m your person.  The fact is that YOU are in control of your health.  You will no longer need to look outside of yourself for the answers that you already have within you.  You will know your body better than anyone else, simply because that’s the way it was always intended to be.

Cause of Life: Coconut Oil

Amberleigh Carter1 Comment

The next time someone says, "Coconut oil is bad for you; it causes heart disease", please reply with, "That must be why the Pacific Islanders died off hundreds of years ago...."

Pacific Islanders' diets were studied by Dr. Ian A. Prior since that population is known for their beautiful, glowing skin, lack of disease, and optimal body compositions.  What was found was that 60 percent of their energy derived from food came from saturated fat, largely from coconuts.  But how could this be if saturated fat supposedly causes heart disease?

Let's look into some factors regarding saturated versus unsaturated fat:

In the 1950s and 1960s, researchers began to search for adverse effects of saturated fat, so they looked for a correlation between saturated fat and cancer.  What they found was actually a protective effect against cancer, rather than a causative one. 

Furthermore, processed non-hydrogenated polyunsaturated oils (such as vegetable oil) were identified as promoting cancer, and the more unsaturated, the higher the risk.  Other health problems that were caused by unsaturated fats were asthma, allergies, memory loss, senility, and a weakened immune system.  Interesting, but is the proof in the pudding?

Well, the Pacific Islanders of Dr. Prior's study had no signs of kidney disease, sluggish thyroid glands, or high cholesterol.  Digestive problems were also rare, and they were generally unfamiliar with heart disease, colitis, cancer, atherosclerosis, colon cancer, hemorrhoids, ulcers, diverticulosis, and appendicitis...and, again, 60% of their diets contain saturated fat (mostly from coconut oil). 

Most Americans get 32-38 percent of their calories come from fat, but most of which are unsaturated vegetable oils...and we all know how many diseases Americans are suffering from--especially heart disease, high cholesterol, and cancer.

So if we've cut out the saturated fats and are still getting these diseases, then what is the real culprit?  Food for thought....
[For more information on coconut oil, check out The Coconut Oil Miracle by Dr. Bruce Fife.]

How To Identify GMOs in your produce

Amberleigh CarterComment

When shopping for produce, how do you know if you're consuming GMOs if it's not labeled?  There are a few tricks.  The "Price Look-Up code", or the "PLU code", gives you some vital information. The numbers within the PLU code are one way to identify conventionally-grown produce versus genetically-modified (GMO), as well as organic produce.

The 4-digit codes are conventionally-grown, and the 5-digit codes are either genetically-modified or organic.

The prefix of '8' would be placed in front of the 4-digit code for genetically-modified (GMO) produce (example: "84321"), and the prefix of '9' would be placed in front of the 4-digit code for organic produce (example: "94321"). Conventionally-grown produce may have PLU codes between the numbers of 3000 and 4000.

When in doubt, always choose the 9! :)

Are Your Nutrition Beliefs Really Yours?

Amberleigh Carter1 Comment

Do you know from where your ideas about nutrition have stemmed?  Are they your original, instinctual thoughts/tastes or are they what your culture, media, government, and "experts" tell you in order to perpetuate an industry?

Industrialists have campaigned to convince the public that their by-products, from cotton-seed oil to shrimp shells, are “health foods.”  In several parts of the world, desperately poor people sometimes eat clay, and even clay has been promoted as a health food.  Almost anything becomes “food,” when people are under economic and social pressure.  If these things aren’t acutely (or noticeably) toxic, they can become part of our “normal” diet.

Our instincts give us a few clues about our nutritional needs, such as thirst, the hunger for salt, the pleasantness of sweet things, and the unpleasantness of certain odors or very acrid or bitter tastes.  But...habits and customs become the dominant forces in diet. 

"Professional dietitians" and other "experts" primarily function as enforcers of cultural prejudice.

The following are a few examples:
1) The manufacturers of pureed vegetables for babies used to put large amounts of salt, sugar, and monosodium glutamate (things that we crave and/or imitate that we need) into their products, because the added chemicals served as instinctual signals that made the material somewhat acceptable to the babies (this is manipulating the chemicals in your brain to convince you that the food you are ingesting is good).  There was no scientific basis for providing these vegetables to babies in a form that they would accept, but it was a profitable practice that was compatible with the social pressure against prolonged breast feeding (which is a healthful human action that was made to be looked down upon, culturally).

2) Because of the depression, when many people couldn't afford enough food, in 1933 the USDA published food guides for four economic levels.  Since then, beans and other legumes have been included in the food groups, and the USDA continues its analysis of food costs, using cheap foods as the basis for food stamp allotments.  After about 20 years of being promoted as thrift foods, they started creeping into many dieticians' definition of a healthful diet.

3) Poor people, especially in the spring when other foods were scarce, have sometimes subsisted on foliage such as collard and poke greens, usually made more palatable by cooking them with flavorings, such as a little bacon grease and lots of salt.  Eventually, "famine foods" can be accepted as dietary staples.  When people try to live primarily on foliage, as in famines, they soon suffer from a great variety of diseases.  Various leaves (green, above-ground leafy vegetables) contain anti-metabolic substances that prevent the assimilation of the nutrients (slow down/damage your metabolism), and only very specifically adapted digestive systems (or technologies) can overcome those toxic effects.

Credit: Ray Peat, Ph.D.

So before you go reprimanding a child for not wanting broccoli or other culturally-acclaimed "health food", that child may just be trusting his/her gut.

Listen to your body.  You may learn something.