Kinection Holistic Health x Dr. Amberleigh Carter

Change Your Mind. Change Your Body.


Happy November!

Amberleigh CarterComment

This month, get out in nature, be silent, release your fear of change, and take the first step toward letting go of old patterns that have been holding you back from achieving what you truly want in life: to heal, to be healthier, to be stronger, to be more fulfilled at work, to feel more love and connection with yourself, with others, and with the earth....

Who you are today is only the outcome of who you were yesterday. So let today be the actions of who you want to become tomorrow.

The Law of Action

Amberleigh Carter3 Comments
Vision isn’t enough unless combined with venture. It’s not enough to stare up the steps unless we also step up the stairs.
— Vance Havner

No matter what we feel we know, no matter what our potential gifts or talents, only action brings them to life.  Those of us who only think we understand concepts, such as commitment, courage, and love, one day discover that we only know when we act; doing becomes understanding. 

Action is not easy in this world.  Still, we must act. Turning all the words, concepts, and ideas into action requires energy; it requires sacrifice.  We have to overcome insecurity and hurdle past self-doubt, lethargy, apathy, excuses, and a hundred good reasons not to rock the boat, to stay the course.  But we keep getting the same message from life: It’s better to do what we need to do than not do it and have a good reason.  This states, as well as anything, the Law of Action.

Still, most of us take action only when the emotional, mental, or physical pain gets so bad that we have to.  Let’s change this.

Let’s acknowledge that action and change require initial discomfort, effort, and energy.  Even if we are ready to take action, it boils down to actually doing it: Just do it.

Most of us wait for permission from our insides to do anything.  We wait to “feel motivated”.  We wait until fear is looking the other way, until self-doubt and insecurity step aside and give us permission to act.  But action is stronger than subjectivity; there are times when we have to act with strength and courage no matter how we’re feeling or what we’re thinking.

Our mind may whisper, “Wait, you can’t do this.  You’re not up for it.  You’re not ready.  You’ll make a fool of yourself.  You’ll only get hurt.  You’ll fail…and then what?”  All of these voices may pass through our mind, but act anyway.  Soon, these voices or feelings stop coming around so often…and then you’ll wake up one day to find that you’ve done it: You’ve made the change.

Love yourself enough to fuel your change

Amberleigh CarterComment

Fear of change is paralyzing, but it is only an illusion that holds you back from achieving what you really want in life.

Change your perspective: release the fear and find the love to fuel your drive. Jumping out of your comfort zone can be scary, but you cannot expect anything to change in your life until you start to be the change every day.

Make the jump, change your mindset, love yourself, and watch yourself transform....because you deserve to be happy.

Want to Change? Look at your daily routine.

Amberleigh CarterComment

The reason for the current state of your health is found in your daily routine.

If you're wanting to create health, change your routine. It's the small changes each day that lead you to significant ones because changing is living; stagnation is death. 

It's best to equip your body with the means it needs to keep up with your environment: exercise, breathe, hydrate, nourish, meditate, rest--this isn't your New Year's resolution; this is your daily routine. 

So honor your body.  It's the one vehicle given to us for this lifetime.