Kinection Holistic Health x Dr. Amberleigh Carter

Change Your Mind. Change Your Body.

sparkling water

Does Your Water Sparkle?

Amberleigh CarterComment

Sparkling mineral water is an amazing source of nutrition. The carbon dioxide (gas that makes it bubbly) is one of the best anti-oxidants for the body, and gives you life and energy. This fizzy water is an excellent mid-day energizer and post workout recovery drink when added to organic, pulp-free Orange juice and a dash of sea salt.

This helps to prevent the build up of lactic acid (which makes your muscles sore), and it prevents/gets rid of muscle cramps (including menstrual), protects against osteoporosis and the hardening of arteries, slows down the release of destructive stress hormones, and gives you a wonderful mental & metabolic boost.