Kinection Holistic Health x Dr. Amberleigh Carter

Change Your Mind. Change Your Body.

bone broth

Mental Health

Amberleigh CarterComment

As May comes to an end, I'd like to touch on mental health, as this month is Mental Health Awareness Month! So, here are some tips for your mental health:

Did you know that there are more neurons in your gut than in your brain?! Mental health is just as important as physical health--your mind & body hold hands. So if you suffer with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, suicidal tendencies, obsessive compulsive disorder, and the like, nutrition is largely a wonderful way to help! 

1) Salt water lowers histamine and adrenalin levels, which can greatly help to reduce anxiety and the incidence of panic attacks. (Sea salt or Morton Canning & Pickling salt).
2) Fruit is a wonderful mood-booster and helps to clarify thoughts, as it contains a sugar off of which the brain solely runs.
3) Meat & bone broth are also helpful in building neurotransmitters that are responsible for mood.
4) Staying hydrated with water helps to clean out neurotoxins that could be affecting the way that you think.

5) Low levels of cholesterol are associated with increased levels of depression.  Saturated fat, fruit, and lifestyle changes like meditation, rest, sunshine exposure, and exercise (even if it's walking outside) all help to normalize cholesterol levels and are all excellent ways to get back in touch with yourself, find your center, boost your mood, balance emotions, and empower you to conquer your day!

Always be mindful of what's in your food (& lifestyle), as what you eat (& how you live) can manifest into how you view the world!