Kinection Holistic Health x Dr. Amberleigh Carter

Change Your Mind. Change Your Body.


Eat More When You Eat Right

Amberleigh CarterComment

Eating less tells your body it's experiencing a famine, so it will store more fat for backup fuel. Eating the wrong types of food also promotes fat storage. So focus on frequently eating foods that are optimal for your health to get the most bang for your metabolic buck!

Eat Anything REAL

Amberleigh CarterComment

Nutrients are responsible for our health--not calories, and certainly not the latest dietary trend. It's not about calories, grams, total fat, or daily percentages; and it's not about alkaline, paleo, vegan, sugar-free, gluten-free--you name it. 

When eating right, you can put the amount out of focus. It's difficult to overeat when consuming nutrient-dense foods because your body is able to reach its nutrient quota that it requires to survive and function. No one is going to have to pull you away from eating an entire bag of carrots.

So, go for it. Eat as many nutrient-dense foods as you want. Just eat anything REAL. That's what it's all about.

Mind Your Thoughts

Amberleigh Carter1 Comment

Did you know that healing your body can have everything to do with your thoughts & words? Thoughts & words carry a level of vibrational energy, and thus are powerful. The human body is susceptible to its surroundings & can actually materialize your thoughts & words into a physical expression (i.e.; negative: physical pain, fat gain, acne, swelling, disease, etc.; positive: muscle gain, fat loss, feelings of weightlessness, glowing skin, health, etc.) 

Experiment for yourself: Think about the word SADNESS and notice how your body feels....Now think about the word JOY. Feel the difference? It could be as simple as contraction versus expansion. If the body contracts and constricts, this prevents oxygen, blood, and nutrient flow throughout the body. Being expanded & open allows flow and health to occur. Therefore, the state of one's health is largely influenced by the words we hear, say, and think on a daily basis. 

Mind your thoughts & words, and you can drastically change your health