Kinection Holistic Health x Dr. Amberleigh Carter

Change Your Mind. Change Your Body.


Lift Weight To Lose Weight

Amberleigh CarterComment

Women today have a fear of getting fat from eating and bulking up from lifting. We are taught that depriving ourselves of calories is healthy and that the only way to burn fat is by running a marathon. 

However, this unknowingly leads you to the very body you don't want!

Restricting calories makes your body eat its own muscle tissue when you do not have enough food in your stomach to fuel you through a workout and recovery. 

Since muscle tissue actually burns fat tissue, and you lose muscle tissue when you don't eat enough, increasing the stress from cardio exercise, while on little-to-no fuel (during a time when you should be eating more), is ironically making you gain more fat tissue.
Building muscle can only happen when you lift weights, eat nutrient-dense foods, and rest.

So stop depriving yourselves and running scared, ladies: lift those weights and eat....because science, not a fad, says so!

Photo credit: Heather Grimm