Kinection Holistic Health x Dr. Amberleigh Carter

Change Your Mind. Change Your Body.

Muscle Up

Amberleigh CarterComment

Health/Exercise Tip: Muscle tissue is the ONLY metabolic tissue designed to burn fat. This is why weight-bearing and resistance exercises will always trump cardio when trying to get lean, tightened, and toned. 

However, if you're a lover of running, but want to lose fat and gain muscle (without "bulking up"), make your cardio routine into a muscle-building one:

Sprint for 20-30 seconds (all-out, like a tiger is chasing you) and then walk for 2-5 minutes. Do up to 6 sets of these per workout session (with rest days in between), and you'll start to lose fat & burn more fat even when you're at rest. 

Keep in mind that your ability to build muscle tissue relies heavily on your recovery (sleep, rest days, food/nutrients, & water). So, do your workout, eat, hydrate, and rest well, and the fat will burn off. 

Go get 'em, tiger.